What in the DWTS?

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From Foot Rubs to TV

After weeks of quarantine binge watching I decided to take some time off from watching TV. If Netflix asked me “are you still watching” one more time I was going to scream! Like yes, I am still watching after sitting here for 6 hours because I am busy reliving my high school years as I re-watch every episode of Moesha. Tuh, I mean the nerve. 

Anywho, I decided to watch some network TV for a change. I see this competition show that I use to watch religiously with my grandmother so I thought what the hell let me see who is on here. Now back in February, when I went to All-Star Weekend I met this guy at a networking event on my first night in town. It was mostly finance people there and my friend was hosting the event so I made it a priority to attend. The weather was horrid that weekend so my flight got delayed rwice due to the snow causing me to miss most of the event. When I arrived it was basically wrapping up but there were a few people still there so my friend did the rounds and introduced me to everyone. He was adamant that I meet this one guy in particular. 

I quickly did a lap around to say hello to everyone and then went into one of the back bedrooms to put my luggage away as I had come straight from the airport. There was this guy in the room on the phone so we made eye contact quickly as I slid my bags in the room right behind him and gave him a thank you nod on my way out. A few minutes later, my friend comes and says “oh this is the guy I wanted you to meet” and introduces us to each other. I remember he smiled and when I tell you he had the most perfect teeth I had ever seen, Sis. They were just beaming at me all night lol. We chatted for a bit and then everyone decided to head over to TAO for another networking event. It was freezing temps outside (like -20 degrees) that night so that 1 block walk felt like I was walking a 5K, lordt! 

We went in, checked our coats, and then went straight to the bar. It was extremely loud inside but Mr Nice Teeth bought me a drink and we kept our conversation going. I remember walking through the crowd and everyone speaking to him left and right. I was like man this guy is popular lol. He grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd and then we danced for a bit. Now those shots I took before we walked over have kicked in and we are both dancing like no one else is watching. My friend who introduced us picked up some girls and was ready to head back. I needed to get my luggage so I said I would head out with him cause I already knew what he was on for the night with those girls. 

We all decided to head out together so he came with us back to the loft. It had been a long day and my feet were killing me. Partially because they were frozen from the outside temps and then also beacause I had been walking in 4” boots all day. When we get inside Mr. Perfect Teeth offers to rub my feet. Now I’m really like who is this man?! Tall, chocolate, super fit, perfect teeth, AND he likes to rub feet?! They don’t make them like this anymore lol. He rubbed my feet, we had another drink, exchanged numbers, and then he carried my bags downstairs and waited with me for my Uber. We texted a few times and tried to link again but it never worked out so I didn’t see him again that trip. A few weeks later he texted me to say hi but the convo was kind of dry and I haven’t spoken to him since. 

Then last night as I rummaged through what show to watch on TV I land on this competition show and whose perfect teeth do I see flash across my screen?! You guessed it, Mr. Perfect Teeth himself foxtrotting it up!  

-Sincerely, Sis


The Most Silent Vomit Of My Life


Sorry You Feel That Way