Sorry You Feel That Way
Oh, Word...NGMFU
I’ve been back home for about a week now and #Mr.BlackAF and I are still coming off of being joined at the hip for a solid 4 days. Not to mention the trauma and excitement that occurred during #HangoverTheRoadTrip 😩. We haven’t seen each other since he dropped me off at home after our road trip so he invited me over to hang.
Our energy has been kind of off since we got back. It’s been about 3 months now since we started talking and hanging out and I am beginning to notice more of his nuances. Nothing major but small things like we can never agree to what or where to eat, how he likes to have things lined up a certain way, and how he has a very particular way of doing almost everything. Now, I am a neat freak and can be anal sometimes but he definitely has me beat.
I arrived at his house around 7pm which is my dinner time so I was hungry. I told him I was going back out to pick up some fried fish and veggies so I asked if he wanted something. He said he wasn’t that hungry but if he was to eat something maybe some sliders or something. Now, when I heard sliders I instantly thought burger sliders (because obvi right?). However, what he meant was if I was getting fish he would just make some fish sliders, ok cool. I had already decided that I wanted fried salmon and steamed veggies before I even asked him what he wanted and my palette had not changed in those few minutes. I have no problem getting him what he wants so I asked what he needed to make his sliders and I would pick it up for him while I was out, cool.
I order my fried fished and went to the grocery store to get some fresh veggies to steam and Hawaiian rolls for his sliders. I get back to his house ready to make my dinner and the person that said they weren’t even hungry wants to hog the kitchen so now I can’t even steam my veggies and make my plate. Slightly annoyed and perplexed I let him finish doing what he is doing so he can exit the kitchen. He toasted his bread and has everything laid out to make his sliders and asks me how many I want to which I replied “none, I just wanted fish and veggies”. Hence why I went to the store and bought exactly what I wanted. Asking him what he wanted was a courtesy as I am not rude and wouldn’t cook in his house without offering him an option to eat what I had or something different.
Now he had already cut up one of the salmon fillets and started putting his sliders together. The moment I said I didn’t want one he stopped preparing his food and took all the bread that he just toasted and put his lil condiments on and threw it all in the trash. I am CONFUSION. So because I don’t want to eat what you are eating you get so frustrated you throw perfectly good food away?! Bet. Baffled by his behavior I let him have his episode or whatever this is and continue making my dinner cause I’m not about to let my fish get cold, priorities.
You can now cut the tension in the room with a knife as things are super awkward so I ask him “are you good?” to break the silence. He says he is fine and I said it doesn’t feel like your fine to which he responded “sorry you feel that way”. Oh word, he clearly doesn’t know who he is talking to right now. Somebody better come get homeboy expeditiously *T.I. voice*.
I finished eating my dinner, put my dishes in the sink, grabbed my purse, and walked right out the front door. Cues Amanda Seales N***as. Got. Me. Fucked. Up...An Anthem. #NGMFU
Now of course here he comes running out to the parking lot wanting to give hugs and kisses but I gave you space and opportunity to address whatever your issue was and you decided not to. Now, sir, I am over it as I peel out the parking lot.
Sorry, you feel that way.
-Sincerely, Sis