Hangover The Road Trip

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Now Time To Drive Back

So after #Mr.BlackAF surprised me for my birthday by driving cross country to see me I decided I couldn’t let him drive all the way back alone. Now I am not really the road trip type but I decided to make an exception. Plus, I’ve never driven cross country before so this could be fun. I mapped out our route based on food destinations that I wanted to stop at. The first being Kansas City for some infamous Kansas City BBQ. Outside of BBQ, Kansas City didn't have much to offer us so we decided to get back on the road and drive until we ended up in Manhattan City, KS home to Kansas State University.

We arrived at the hotel around 8pm. After a day of driving, we decided we deserved a little treat. His friend has an edible company and gave him a variety of cookies to try. We decided to split a cookie and watch a movie. Now I have taken edibles before, typically I like gummies and they get me where I need to be and ones I get the high doesn’t last long. I’m not a huge fan of cookies, but I decided what the hell since we are staying in the room what’s the worst that can happen?

We start the movie and he falls asleep first. We are about an hour or so in since eating the cookies and I feel completely fine. I finish watching the movie and finally doze off. I wake up around 3am to go use the bathroom. I get up walk to the bathroom, tinkle, wash my hands and then wake up on the floor outside of the bathroom by the hotel window furthest away from the door. How did I get here?! Why is he screaming my name so loud?! Why is he telling me don’t move?! Why am I looking at the ceiling?! How did I get on the floor?! Why does my body feel so tingly right now?! These are all the questions running through my mind. 

I remember looking at him and his face had this look of terror on it. He said he was sleep and heard a loud thud that woke him up and I wasn’t in the bed. As he was talking his voice felt soothing and very calm. He kept asking me to stay still and not move and I could feel him applying pressure with something cold to my face. It took me a minute to realize that I had blacked out and fallen. I have absolutely no memory of even walking out of the bathroom. As I lay there with my whole body tingling he takes my hand and places it over the something cold on my chin so he can grab some band-aids. While he was away I looked at my hand to see what is this that I am holding...it was a cold wet face towel covered in blood. Lordt! Is this my blood??? I’m bleeding from my face??? Then instantly my face just started throbbing. He wouldn’t let me look at myself in the mirror so I knew it had to be bad. He helped me get up off the floor and into the bed. It felt like I had just been in a fight and lost badly. My jaw was so stiff I could barely talk and felt like I had gotten an upper cut right to my face, my chin was busted open, I had a scrap underneath my nose, my right shoulder and elbow were both scrapped, I jammed my middle finger on my right hand, and both of my knees were battered down to the white meat. Talk about a fallout! 

As I laid there all I could think was my face, my face, I need to see my face. I felt so weak and slightly dizzy at that point I just wanted to close my eyes until I wasn’t high anymore. He bandaged me up pretty good and got me all situated back in the bed so I could sleep. I said I didn’t want to go to the ER as we were both high AF and in this small all-white college town being the only 2 black people we had seen for miles. It was apparent that Black lives do not matter here plus, I just wanted to sleep. He said ok but that my chin really needed to be looked at so the plan was to go to urgent care in the morning. 

It’s now time for him to turn off the lights and get back in the bed. As I lay there watching him walk across the room it felt like he was walking in slow motion. I ask him if he’s ok and his speech seems slurred. I quickly realize he’s about to fall. I jump out of bed and try to grab him as he reaches for the light switch but I’m too late. He falls face first and hits the hotel room door and then the floor hard AF. I instantly go back into panic mode. I was calling his name and he is completely unresponsive. I didn’t want to move him because he fell with his neck against the door and all I could think was please don’t let this man be dead, Lordt! I ran to look for my phone as I kept saying to myself “hurry and call 911, hurry and call 911”. Then I hear his voice in the background asking “why are you calling 911?”. Never have I felt so relieved! I run back over to him and he is trying to get up off the floor when I see blood. Now I have to keep calm to not freak him out. He had a gash over his eye and there was blood dripping down his face. I managed to get him off the floor and into the bathroom so I could clean up his face. All we both wanted to do at this point was to lay down. I told him he blacked out and he said the last thing he remembered was putting me in the bed. 

I bandaged him up and managed to get him back in the bed. It’s now past 4am and all I want to do is sleep. We finally both fell back asleep and then woke up around 8am. His eye was in pretty good shape but my chin was not. I ended up having to get stitches on my face, MY FACE SIS! 

My first time driving cross country and on night one I end up getting stitches on my face because I took an edible and got so high I blacked out. Yep, that happened. This will definitely be a road trip I will never forget. All we were missing was a tiger in the room 🥴. #HangoverTheRoadTrip 

-Sincerely, Sis


Sorry You Feel That Way


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