To The Left, To The Left
The Trauma & The Drama
It has been about 2 weeks since I met #SetIfOff (Read More). We are both Leo’s and never have I had such a love-hate roller coaster ride with a person. Our personalities are soooooo much alike, it’s scary. I’m not really into astrology but I know myself and my alpha energy can be intense at times. I’ve been told by guys before that I can be intimidating and typically I always get my way. However, with this guy, I have met my match.
Some of our convos really feel like we are two lions in the wild trying to dominate the other. I won’t back down and neither will he. It’s frustrating and erotic all at the same time. What I thought was a one time “set it off” moment I now realize is the norm for him. Like what in the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is going on here?!
What went from a hood romance and him defending my friend’s honor quickly turned into this man is unstable AF. Whew Chile. 🥴
In addition to him switching up his personality like he changes his clothes, I don’t think he has ever encountered a strong woman who has her own things and can hold her own. Within the first 3 days, all his insecurities were showing and it became clear merely my presence was eating away at his self-esteem.
Every conversation seemed to somehow end with him telling me how much money he has, or how he can buy whatever he wants, or all the cars he drives. Like sir, are you saying this for my benefit or yours? Cause I’m good. Lol. I too have lots of nice things which I have bought for myself, I drive the finest German-engineered automobile, and I’m not missing any meals. The things which you speak of are not impressive. The level of basic he must date.
Now, the day before that he said he wanted some ice cream so I suggested this cute ice cream parlor that was in the area. He said he just wanted some McDonald’s ice cream which was also cool so to the drive-thru we go. To my surprise and amazement the ice cream machine was actually working (y’all know how they do lol) so he got his ice cream and we left. I even took a bite because who doesn’t love McDonald’s ice cream.
After getting the ice cream, we went back to his house to chill for a bit. It was really windy outside that day and as I was getting ready to leave he gave me a scarf to put on. Now I didn’t want to be rude so I just said thanks and took the scarf. It was a fake Gucci scarf and anyone that knows me knows that I would never. I put it one when I walked out the door and then threw it in my bag because I would rather be cold. Call me bougie, bourgeoise, whatever, I am who I am.
I said nothing to him about it and went on my way.
Later that night, we met up for dinner and he asked me where the scarf was. I wasn’t wearing it when I walked in. I said it was in my bag, no biggie. He then looked as if he was offended I wasn’t wearing it so I asked where he got the scarf from. A reasonable question I thought. He replied it was a gift from someone and he wasn’t sure where they got it. Whew, now I feel relieved. I told him I knew the scarf wasn’t real and I didn’t want to say it but that’s why I wasn’t wearing it. You would have thought I told this man I hope he dies and goes to hell.
#SetIfOff once again goes from 0 to 100 in record breaking time. He then tells me how I think I am better than everybody and nothing is good enough for me since I moved away as if he has known me for more than 5 days. Lol.
He then proceeded to tell me how I was acting like I was better than him because I didn’t want McDonald’s ice cream and only suggested some fancy ice cream. So now because a fast-food burger chain wasn’t my first thought when asked about ice cream that means I think I’m better than everybody in the world. Got it.
I’ve come across some insecure men in my life but this right here wins the grand prize. Next, he says I’m “talking down to him” about the scarf and then in the same sentence admitted he didn’t know whether it was real or fake. So me being the luxury goods shopper that I am and having the knowledge to spot a fake also means I think I am better than everybody in the world. Got it.
Now who everybody is Sis, I wish I knew. He clearly thinks I am better than him and was projecting all of his insecurities onto me which is not my battle to fight.
After listening to his rant, it was clear that he had some issues that needed to be dealt with. I suggested that he speak with a therapist and not me cause I’m not on the clock nor is my name Iyanla. As you can imagine that statement did not go over well either. Lol.
Oh ☝🏽, I also forgot to mention that during his rant I also found out that he did an 18 year bid. Yeah Sis, a whole 18 calendar years locked up on an extended vacation also known as prison. Which explains so much. Lordt! I swear I can’t make this stuff up.
As much as I love a hood 🆖 the trauma, insecurities, and PTSD are real AF. I wish him the best and hope he can figure things out for himself. However, I will not be there to see the growth. Sorry to that man.
In the words of a great prophet commonly known as Beyoncé, “You must not know 'bout me, you must not know 'bout me”
-Sincerely, Sis