This Ain't The Fluffin & Fold

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It Was The Audacity For Me

It’s been about a month since #Mr.BlackAF and I have spoken. He knew I was moving so he reached out to me to ask if I needed help moving into my new place. I had already hired movers but, if he is offering, I can find some things for him to do. I told him I was good on moving day but I would be more than happy to give him some tasks to do after I moved in. There are pictures to hang, furniture to put together, if you are offering free labor who am I to rain on your parade. 

He told me he was in his hometown but would let me know when he gets back.

About a week later I got a text from him saying he would be available to come by that evening if I was free. Followed by, was it cool for him to bring some wine and champagne. If you know me, you know I don’t turn down either but I also knew he was going to try to make his move.

He got to my place kind of late and I was making dinner so we mostly just chatted and got caught up. I then gave him a tour of my new place and pointed out the things I needed help with. After the grand tour, he said “oh this is a house house” and made a comment about my laundry room to which I just laughed.

He said he would be able to come back another day and knock out putting together some furniture pieces for me so we finished up dinner and poured up another glass of wine.

As we were chatting he asked “did you go back to that spot to get some more tequila while you were home?”. I did in fact bring a bottle back but I was contemplating if I was going to give it to him or not considering our last convo and all (Read More). 

Now since he had already agreed to put together a few things for me, brought a small housewarming gift, plus wine and champagne I thought why not. He’s earned this bottle. So on his way out I handed him the bottle and said thanks in advance for your help. 

The next day he returned ready to work. 

I was still working on my computer when arrived so I quickly ran outside to unlock the gate and left the door open for him to come in. I was on a work call when he walked in so I waved him to come inside and then he quickly walked back out saying he forgot something in the car.

When he came back in he asked where the items were that needed assembling and I pointed to the office area. I was focused on my call so off he went to the back room while I finished my work. 

I wrapped up my work and then went into the kitchen to start on dinner when I hear the washing machine going. I see a red laundry bag on the floor that is not mine and watch the water swirling around in the machine as I am confusion.

Did this man just come to my house, bring a load of clothes inside, and put them inside the wash without even a courtesy ask?!?!?! 

Now I wouldn’t have even tripped and totally would have said cool if he asked me, but it was the audacity for me. Like what if my machine was broken, or it made some type of loud banging noise as I was obviously still working when you walked in, or what if I just don’t want you washing your clothes at my house?!? 

Like is he really this comfortable here in my house and he ain’t even my man. Whatever thin thread of hope he was hanging on by has officially been cut now ✂️. Even for the 90 days we briefly dated not once did I ever feel that comfortable to just invade his space with my things. I never even left a toothbrush at his house, not once. 

After that, the conversation dried up pretty quickly and I was just ready for him to finish my desks and his delicates so he could roll out. All I could think was, is this what my life has come to?! Dating someone who can’t afford to get a laundry service? 

Whew, glad that chapter is over and done with cause never have I ever been so turned OFF. At least he brought his own laundry detergent, I guess. 

Now I’m lowkey mad I gave him that tequila cause he clearly didn’t deserve it. 

-Sincerely, Sis 


To The Left, To The Left