Set It Off & Set It Up
Could This Be Love At First Sight
It’s Sunday Funday and we have been brunching since about 11am. It’s now 6pm and we are still going.
One of my friends was unable to join us for brunch because she was working so my BFF and I decided to meet up with her for one last drink before calling it a day. We let her pick the spot and ended up at this local restaurant by her place. Even though it was chilly out we opted for outdoor seating cause Da Rona is still alive and well.
Most people wanted indoor seating so the entire patio area was pretty empty with only about 2 other tables that were occupied with people. I had about 2 bottles worth of champagne in my system at this point so the cold didn’t bother me.
We ordered our first round of drinks and I notice this guy sit at the table next to us by himself. We was on his phone the whole time so he didn’t see me giving him the once over but I wasn’t made at what I was seeing. Chocolate with a beard and his sneaker game was on point 👌. I go back to my conversation with the girls and when the waitress brings our drinks out I glace over again and he is gone.
My friend noticed I looked over there again and put me on the spot saying “oh he went inside”. Treated. Lol.
I didn’t think anyone noticed me looking. I looked inside and saw him sitting at the bar alone watching the game. We finished our food and drinks and I decided to go inside to wash my hands before we left. Now, I am not the type to shoot my shot but I will set you up for a layup from time to time. I walked in and went straight to the bathroom. He was focused on the game so I didn’t catch his eye when I walked past him. As I was washing my hands I gave myself a quick pep talk in the bathroom.
Me to Me: “Ok Sis, just walk out and make direct eye contact with him.”
Now if he still says nothing just keep it moving.
Of course I had to play it cool so when I came out I lingered by the bathroom door pretend scrolling on my phone for a bit. That’s my go to move. Lol 🤣. I felt he was looking at me now so I looked up and we made direct eye contact. I locked in for a few seconds and then started to head for the door. I was half way to the door when he waved and then I hear “hey, whats your name?”. A clear and concise layup.
I introduced myself and then he tells me his name. I make a joke about his name and asks him if he’s a Leo. He says yeah actually he is. He tells me his birthday and we have the SAME birthday. No way!
I’ve never met a man with my same birthday. I tell him mine and then we both ask to see each others IDs at the same time. We pull out our wallets and we both have the same Louis Vuitton wallet. Coincidence perhaps. Then he tells me what type of work he does. The business I just started aligns with what he does. Another coincidence perhaps. Then we start discussing animals and I mention I want another dog, a Frenchie. He then pulls a picture up on his phone of him holding a Frenchie at a pet store just a few weeks ago that he was about to buy. Another coincidence perhaps but at this point it’s like nah who sent you 🤔.
Our conversation is flowing so I take a seat next to him and he buys me another drink. At this point my friends who have been waiting for me to return from the bathroom are texting me like “Hello, what’s going on in there?”. I tell them I’m good and the friend that rode with me said she would be right back then. I continue chatting with the guy and when she returned she came inside to the bar to sit with me.
She was wearing a face shield instead of a mask and a guy that worked there said she needed a mask to be inside. It wasn’t an issue but she didn’t have one so she asked for one and he went to the back and brought her one.
A few minutes later the same guy comes back and tells her she can’t stand at the bar. Now we are confused but still comply and say no problem we are leaving soon. About 5 mins later here comes the same guy, again being more and more aggressive in his tone. This time the new guy steps in and said very calmly “Ok King, not a problem she is just here to check on her friend and to get a drink”. The guy that worked there was an older black guy and for whatever reason was still was trying to address my friend after the new guy already said peacefully and respectfully, we were leaving. That’s when things turnt UP!
All I heard was “don’t say shit else to her, you can speak directly to me now”. He raised up out of his chair and the whole restaurant got quiet with all eyes on us 👀. Now they are nose to nose like 2 heavyweight boxers about to go toe to toe. New guy went from 0 to 100 in a record breaking timeframe.
My friend and I locked eyes and headed for the exit. We didn’t know this man or what he was capable of so we got out of that jam. Lol. Once outside my friend says “Damn, did he just defend our honor in there?!”. Still processing it all, I replied “yeah, I think he did”. Never have I been so turned on by a stranger. Lordt!
We waited for him to come outside to make sure everything was cool. All I could think was this might be my husband. He just set it off and set it up in there defending my best friends honor within 5 mins of meeting us both. He could also just be crazy but in the moment it seemed like a romantic gesture. LOL.
He finally came out and was so apologetic to us. Saying how he didn’t want our first impression of him to be be that and that was so out of charater for him. Followed by how he just couldn’t sit there and watch a black man talk to a black Queens in that manner and how the guy’s behavior was unacceptable. Oh this is a man man. Welp, this might be the one for me guys.
We exchanged numbers and I sent him a text when we got to the car saying nice meeting him and thanks again. He responded immediately and we both said we didn’t want the night to end since our conversation got cut short.
He invited me and my BFF to his place to chill and smoke hookah and we decided why not (I know, I know we are in the middle of a Pando but yolo). We stayed up until 4am laughing, talking, drinking, dancing, and singing. Within those few hours he told me that I’m going to be his wife. I literally just met this man like 3 hours ago. Now I’m shook shook 😲.
Could this be what love at first sight feels like???
-Sincerely, Sis