Off Them Sips

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More Champagne Please

Back in my professional clubbing days, circa 2008, I came out of the club one night at about 2 a.m. to an empty block where I had parked my car. My car had been towed. I remember feeling sick to my stomach because I knew I didn’t have the money to get my car out of the pound. I thought maybe I was a little tipsy and got my streets crossed so I walk up to the next block and back down again to the previous block. Not a single car in sight. Now, when I parked the street was full of cars with people all going to the club. I clearly didn’t read the street signs that night because I was too focused on getting in the club for the $Free.99.  

My college best friend was with me as we paced up and down the street in pure panic and distress when this BMW 650 pulls up. The passenger side window rolled down and the driver asks if we were ok. It’s now probably after 3 a.m. and we are walking the streets in a neighborhood that we shouldn’t be walking in with our club dresses on probably looking like prostitutes, Lordt! I tell him my car just got towed and I don’t know which impound lot they have taken it to and he offers to give us a ride to the closest lot he thinks has my car. Hesitant to accept the help of this stranger my friend and I get in his car and head over to the impound lot with him. It was either that or call my mom or Nana and I didn’t want that smoke. We arrived at the lot and immediately hopped out the car, he then yelled out “I’ll wait to make sure y’all are ok”. Now, I knew I didn’t have the money but I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of this man. My friend and I combined probably had about $38 total in our bank accounts at the time 😩.

He sees us going back and forth trying to figure it out so he gets out the car and goes straight to the window to speak to the teller. Next thing I know the lot gate starts opening and they are pulling my car around. I was in complete shock. I didn’t even know this man’s name and he bailed me out without hesitation. I promised to pay him back and we exchanged numbers. I was so grateful that he was driving down the street that night. My friend to this day calls him ‘Ghetto Blessing’ lol.

Over the last 10+ years we have kept in touch mostly via social media. Every time I come home we always say we are going to link up but never do. Yesterday I got a call from him via Instagram asking me if I had plans because he wanted to link up. Never has he ever called me before so I’m really like 👀. I said I was free later and to just hit me up expecting not to hear back from him per usual. To my surprise, he hit me back a few hours later and said he was sending a car for me to come hang out with him and some friends. 

I arrive and the doorman calls up to announce I’m there. When I get off the elevator I walk up to this penthouse and it is AMAZING! In the heart of downtown, marble everything, outdoor patio overlooking the city, 4 levels with an elevator, I mean Lordt! I’m like who is this man really?! There is an intense game of poker going on and neither one of us play so we are just chilling sipping champagne watching his friends play. We are playing catch up and going down memory lane and then he asks “why don’t you have kids yet?”. I replied, “well I would like to find a partner and have kids but, n***as”. After that the energy shifted. I felt like he locked in on me and wouldn’t let go of me with his eyes. 

He then asked if I wanted a tour of the house so we headed inside, but first more champagne. We got onto the elevator to go up to the 4th level so we can work our way down and immediately he asks for a kiss. He pulls me in and gives me a soft peck on the lips and we continue with our tour. After my tour, we went back out to the patio to join the rest of the party. We are now locked in on each other and without warning, he goes in for the kill and kisses me right in the mouth WITH tongue! Lordt! 

All these years and not once did he ever show any interest in me in this way. However, he’s always been attractive to me so there was definitely an energy there. As the champagne kept flowing he began to divulge more and more about how he wanted to wait until he was ready to really pursue me. How he’s now at a point where he’s done playing with girls and he knows what he wants. And that someone is me 😲.  

Now I have not one but two entanglements 🥴🥴. 

-Sincerely, Sis


Surprise, Surprise!


Entanglement No August