Entanglement No August

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How Did We Even Get Here

So I have been in my hometown for over 3 weeks now and despite all things Covid, I’ve really been having a great time. I made plans to have a pool day with one of my friends last week but it rained so we rescheduled to this week. We’ve been friends since college back when we use to be on the model scene together. I really thought I was going to be America’s Next Top Model back then lol. We are also in the same friend circle so we’ve been friends for over 10 years now. 

We don’t talk or hang much but we check in with each other every so often. He travels a lot for work so I sometimes catch him when he visits the city where I live or on the rare occasion he is home when I am home we always link up. Sipping champagne and talking sh*t has become our thing so as expected when he invited me over to hang out I knew it was going to be a good time. It was raining again when I went over there so instead of a pool day we just chilled indoors. It was also his friend’s birthday the next day so our catch up turned into a full day of drinking and celebrating. His friend had a dinner date so he left us around our third bottle of champagne. 

Now I have been around this man countless times over the years and never have I felt any attraction to him or sexual energy of any kind. We have always been just friends. He makes fun of my teeth and forehead all the time similar to that of an annoying brother. Today however, felt different. 

We were talking about past relationships and other randomness and all of a sudden the energy in the room shifted. He’s always been a touchy-feely guy but in a friendly way, never flirty with me. We are sitting across from each other on bar stools in his kitchen laughing and talking and all of a sudden he pulls my stool in close so we are now face to face and asks “Can I have a kiss?”. WHOA WHAT😳?! I immediately say no and start laughing because he has to be joking right?! Never have I ever thought this would be a thing. 

He gives me this look and I immediately knew that he was deadass serious. Now I’m like ‘Oh Sh*t!’. He’s coming in fast and HOT and I just brace myself for the kiss. He gives me a peck on the lips and it was nice. I’m still in shock this is even happening and all I can think is ‘how did we even get here?!’. In a matter of seconds we go from the cool homie vibe to giving pecks and making out in the kitchen. I am lowkey shooketh. 

He gives me a forehead kiss and smoothes down my hair as my bun was frazzled and on a gangsta lean then we go back to talking and chilling out. I’m feeling a bit like a teenage girl right now who just got kissed by a boy for the first time. All these feelings I never thought I would have towards this person are suddenly all in the air. We are now being all cuddly and lovey dovey after just a few pecks. Like damn, well that escalated quickly. Lol.

Shortly after we shared our kitchen moment his friend returned to his place with his girlfriend. It’s midnight now so we do a birthday toast with him and they go to bed. We stay up talking for a bit longer and he asks what my plans are for the weekend because he wants to take me on a proper date. Now, I am truly blown away cause this is really happening. I said I was available so we have made plans to go out this weekend. 

This whole situation totally came out of left field and I’m still processing it all. He has always been the homie and he knows me all too well. I can’t deny that I like being around him and there is a level of comfort there. However, me and Mr. #BlackAF aka Menz 3 have been going strong. We have FaceTimed every single morning and night since I have been away for over 3 weeks straight. 

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Now I’m feeling like I have gotten myself into a bit of an entanglement 🥴. 

-Sincerely, Sis 


Off Them Sips


The Art of Wasting My Time