Jet Skis & Curfews | Part 1



So after my failed FaceTime session with Menz 2 (Read More) I decided to unpause my dating app profile. Plus third time’s a charm right? Lol. I went back to endless scrolling at bedtime then after a few days I had a new match I was interested in. At first scroll I thought he was cute, however first thing first, does he meet the height requirement. If you missed the story about Menz 1 Read More. When I read 6’0 on his profile I felt like I was at the slot machine and the winning lights just started going off *insert small praise dance*. He commented on one of my pics which got the conversation going and I could tell by his profile he was kind of artsy so I was intrigued. I messaged him back and the next day he responded. 

We exchanged all of about 4-5 messages mostly talking about the state of the country with the protests, riots, and just being black in America. Menz 3 is clearly woke and #BlackAF and I’m here for it! My last message to him was how I was just mentally exhausted from the week and I went to bed. The next morning around 9 a.m. I awoke to a message from him asking if I was up for an adventure. I also got a text about a protest that was happening that day and I was considering rolling out to that. I responded to Mr. #BlackAF first and asked what kind of adventure 👀. He sent me a link to his Instagram and it was a video of him jet skiing. His message said “while it won’t change what is happening right now this can be a way to release some of your frustrations and hopefully provide a therapeutic experience”. Now he really has my attention! 

Now its 12 p.m. and I am pulling up to his house. Crazy right?! I made the decision to meet him at his house and he would drive us to the lake. I park my car and he already has his car in front of his building loaded up and ready to roll out. I hop in his car and we hit the highway. We are now 5 mins into the drive I start to think OMG what am I doing?! I should have driven...what if he’s a werido...what if his friends are lame...Lordt! I played it cool though and made small talk to break the ice until he turned on some music. The conversation then started to become more engaging and we were coasting. Next thing I know we arrived at the lake. 

It was a warm day but not hot hot, I knew the water would be cold so I prayed he was an experienced driver on this jet ski cause ain’t nobody got time to be falling into the water. He introduced me to his friends and they were cool, we set up our snack cooler, I took a welcome tequila shot with his friends, and we headed down to the water. I hopped on the back on the jet ski and put my life in the hands of this complete stranger and we take off. We hit about 65 mph and I literally forgot all about everything that was happening in the world at that moment. The cold crisp water was hitting my face, I was holding on tight at first then I got into it more as we rode the waves. The views from the middle of the lake were EVERYTHING!  We hung out in the middle of the water just chatting for a bit and looking at the birds as they flew overhead. I felt so at peace.

About 4 hours have passed and I have had no service while out at the lake. It was getting chilly so we started to pack up and head back to the city. We hit the highway and my phone starts going crazy with texts about riots happening by my house and then we both get an emergency alert that there is a curfew in effect from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. The alert came through around 5:30 p.m. as he was driving and we both said “Dafuq” aloud simultaneously. I had been drinking and there was no way we would have made it back to his house before curfew and then I still would have to drive myself home. This also was not the day to chance driving tipsy either so we decided to keep the date going and go to his friend’s house for this impromptu lockdown.

We arrived and it was like a frat house in there. There was unlimited hookah, all the alcohol, and lines of coke on the table...I’m like WTF did I just sign up for?!

-Sincerely Sis 


Jet Skis & Curfews | Part 2


Not Once, Not Twice, But Thrice