Not Once, Not Twice, But Thrice


He’s Not A Catfish 

So Menz 2 and I have been talking a few weeks and so far so good. Our conversation is still on point however I question if that spark is there. He’s attractive, super fit, and enjoyable to be around but there is still something I can’t quite put my finger on. He lives super far from me and anyone that knows me knows how much I hate driving. However, despite him living like 40 miles away I decided to continue to talk to him. Plus its quarantine so where am I really rushing off to anyway. Lol. 

He comes to the city often for work and I have seen him a few times already. But I was bored in the house in the house bored one night and he invited me to come out to his place so I decided, why not. I drive for what felt like an eternity. Granted it was only about an hour but still, Lordt! I was listening to Lil Uzi just about the whole drive and he kept me turnt so when I arrived around 10p I was still in good spirits. He ordered dinner and had Insecure qued up when I walked in so I had no complaints. We stayed up until like 5am talking and drinking that night and had a really great time. 

A few days later, he was in the city and came to visit me. We did our usual, dinner, TV, and talked for hours. This time however he decided to make his move and there was some snuggling on the couch involved. He was turning up the HEAT! Lol. Then he asked for a kiss. We had our first kiss and it was nice. Nothing crazy but a nice solid kiss and we go back to our deep conversation. It was a school night and I told him I can’t stay up until 5 am again as much as I do enjoy his company and I was going to bed. We’ve hung out several times at this point so I felt comfortable letting him stay over. 

We got in the bed and were having pillow talk for about 30 mins or so. The vibe was very chill, I had on the same t-shirt and shorts I had on all day around the house and he had stripped down to his boxer briefs and tee. It’s about midnight now, I felt my eyes getting extremely heavy so I rolled over and assumed the standard spooning position. I like a good spooning until I fall asleep and then you can roll on over and get up off me cause ain’t nobody got time to be sweating in they sleep. Lol. My back is now facing him and I close my eyes. After a few minutes, I begin to feel soft kisses on my back. 

Not sure where this was going so I let him continue for a bit. Next thing I know he’s kissing down to my thighs. Now, earlier that day he had asked me what were the top 3 things that make me smile. I responded “good food, random adventures, and laying on anyone’s beach”. Then I came back jokingly and said “actually swap out the beach for good head”. So my first thought is oh this is happening! 

He proceeded to get to work and I was truly shocked at the level of skill and talent. Like oh you’re seasoned seasoned. I was extremely satisfied with the whole experience and passed out like baby. I’m a light sleeper and around 3a I heard him get up to go the bathroom so I rolled over to make sure he was good. He gets back in the bed as I’m half sleep at this point and he proceeds to get to work again! I’m like WHOA 😳! He has taken my comment about good head to a whole new level. 

Now its morning, my alarm goes off and it’s exactly 7 am. I roll over and get ready to get up and get my day started and here he comes AGAIN! I am truly at a loss for words at this point. Not once, not twice, but thrice in a single night. Like who is this man?! Lol. 

-Sincerely, Sis


Jet Skis & Curfews | Part 1


FaceTime in the Dark