Jet Skis & Curfews | Part 2
The Longest Date Ever
So I am now 14 hours into my first date with Mr. #BlackAF (if you need a refresher on the first 11 hours Read More). It’s now 2 a.m. and I have tried to keep the party going as long as I can. I have been drinking, entertaining his friends, smoking hookah, and now I am exhausted AF. Lordt! I see an open chair and prop it up against the wall and I’m out like a light. One thing about me is I can go to sleep anywhere even when there is a whole party happening.
Menz 3 sees me with my eyes closed and says “Okay let’s go”. We are still under curfew but he lives less than 5 mins away and I really do want to leave this frat house as much fun as it has been. We go back to his place and he offers to give me a massage since I’ve been a trooper hanging with him the whole day. He gives me some sweats to put on and I lay across the bed and proceed to get one of the best massages ever. I’m out like a light again.
The next morning I awake and he has prepared a spread of fresh cut oranges and pomelo, avocado sprinkled with fragrant spices and lemon, and the tallest glass of cold water. I thought what magical place is this?!? We then eat and chat the whole morning away. It’s now afternoon and I say to myself ok it’s time to head out. He then asks if I want to smoke and watch a movie. Talk about a Sunday Funday! Now I’m not really a smoker, I told him I would take like 2 puffs and he said cool that’s all he usually does too. We go out to his patio and I take my 2 puffs. We are talking and laughing next thing you know we have smoked the WHOLE joint 😳. We go back inside and start watching a movie. We are about 7 mins in and I realize I’m high high. I’m keeping my cool but I’m all the way out of my body at this point. He had already set up our snack station before we started the movie so once again I felt like I was in paradise. My favorite popcorn, cashews, chocolate covered pretzels, and vegan chocolate chip cookies that he had warmed in the microwave. Like is this true love or nah?!
We killed all the snacks and next thing I know we woke up cuddling and it was now 8p. How Sway?! I checked my phone and they sent out another curfew alert from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Lordt! Welp I guess I’m forced to stay here another night. It’s Sunday night and now time to watch Insecure. He makes us shrimp pasta for dinner (which was SO GOOD) and as we are watching Insecure he is fork feeding me perfect bites of pasta noodles and shrimp. Now I’m like ok is this a trap? Who is this man? Where is Ashton Kutcher? Am I being Punk’d? Lol.
It’s now been 36 hours since I’ve met this man for the first time and we have been joined at the hip. We talk into the wee hours of the night and I’m like ok I’m seriously going home first thing in the morning. For real this time.
Now its the next morning, his neighbor just brought him over some shrimp and grits she made. I’m like ok don’t get caught up again you need to get back to your life. It’s time to go home Roger lol. I was on the phone with my mom and when I get off he has laid out fresh fruit and the shrimp and grits for us to eat. I say to myself this is my final meal and then I’m leaving. Once again lies. We eat, chat some more, cuddle, and then start making out. Never have I wanted to jump someone’s bones so badly right now. We take it to the bedroom and the magic happens. Not only is this man talented in the kitchen but also in the bedroom. Lordt!
We then end up laying in bed talking well into the afternoon. I think I can officially say this has been the longest date ever.
Our first date lasted approximately 56 hours.
-Sincerely, Sis