Bring Me Back Some Tequila

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Another ‘The Talk’

It has been a few weeks since I have been back from the infamous #HangoverTheRoadTrip (Read More). After my last fallout with #Mr.BlackAF (Read More) the week after we got back it appears we are still not on the same page. I noticed his energy has shifted recently and now he tries to be less overbearing but he is who he is.

My Nana always said men can only keep up with the appearances for about 90 days. On day 91, his true self will usually appear. She has yet to disappoint me and like clockwork, on day 91 his OCD levels were jumping off the charts. Now I am a neat freak but the level of detail which things must be done to meet his standards is just too much for me. Every time I would do something at his place he would come behind me and re-do it. For example, I noticed he would re-make the bed after I made it up. After the third or fourth time I was like ok this is too much. I KNOW how to properly make a bed. WTF?! 

I was preparing to leave again for a few weeks so we made plans to hang out before I left. I had already decided in my mind that today I was going to share with him how I felt about how things were going, which was not well. He came over the night before I was leaving town and things were off to a good start. We had dinner and then talked about what I had planned for my upcoming trip. As he was talking I thought to myself, was this my moment to have “the talk” now? There is a tequila brand that he loves and it is only sold in the city where I was visiting so he asked me if I would bring him back some tequila. Then he offers to take me to the airport in the morning.

I’m now conflicted. A free ride to the airport is not something you pass up especially when you have a flight at 5am. Lol. Perhaps I am being a J.A.N. but I decided to hold off on “the talk” until after I left town. I’ve now been away for about a week and our conversations are short and few and in between. We have been checking in with each other but him more than me. I really have only been responding to him when he reaches out. It’s clear I haven’t been showing him the same level of energy and I think its finally time to have “the talk”. 

We are texting and I explain to him how things are going. Before I can even finish my last text he responds “if you are trying to breakup with me...I will not accept your resignation”.

Now I’m like “oh damn” 😩.

I respond with the how I have a lot going on right now speech (it’s not you, it’s me right?) and then go on to say how I don’t have the capacity for a boyfriend right now. I see his 3 dot bubble appear then disappear, appear then disappear again, and then no bubble.

About 30 minutes later he responds with “you don’t have to reply...I think your energy would be put to better use doing something that makes you feel good”. I immediately felt bad because he really is a nice guy but just not the guy for me. We are now on the same page and if nothing else I feel a sense of relief to get that off my chest. 

Now, my question is since he asked me for some tequila should I buy him some as a parting gift or nah? Lol.  

-Sincerely, Sis 


Fast & Furious 2003


The Most Silent Vomit Of My Life