Fast & Furious 2003

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Friday The 13th No Jason

In honor of Friday the 13th I thought I would share a throwback story, circa 2003. I was in high school and in love with my grammar school sweetheart. I know some of you will judge me for not saying elementary but where I’m from we say grammar school. Lol. We met for the first time in 3rd grade and by the 5th grade, we had both transferred to different schools. If I had to describe him back then he was a cross between a baby Martin Lawrence and Moesha’s little brother Myles Mitchell with silky smooth skin the color of mocha. Whew chile, I was in love!

I went to a predominantly white all-girls school so within the first week there I knew all the black people (all 4 of them lol). There was also an all-boy school across the street from my high school, known as our brother school. My first homecoming week there was all this talk about these 2 black freshmen that played on the basketball team so of course I had to find out who these boys were. Turns out one of them was you guessed it, my grammar school crush.

Talk about a glow up! The cute big head little boy I remembered was no more, he was fine fine now! Lordt. His skin was still silky smooth like I remembered, he was tall now, super athletic build, and he had these perfect bright white teeth. Y’all know how I feel about perfect teeth, ohhweee! Now I have major competition cause all the girls black, white, and other wanted to be his girlfriend. Ugh. 

My mom made me take the yellow school bus my freshman year (how embarrassing I know) so I was far from being one of the cool kids 🥴. By sophomore year we agreed that I could take public transit, finally. This is now my chance to shine. My crush and I both took the same route to school in the morning so slowly but surely we started hanging out as friends but of course, now he has a rooster of girls on his team. 

It’s now senior year, we are officially dating and just went to prom together. He was going away to college in the fall to play basketball so that summer we spent a lot of time together. It was Friday, June 13, 2003, and we decided to go to the movies for a date night. His friend was also having a party that night, so we said we would stop by the party after the movie then he would drop me off at home. 

When we arrived at the party I remember there being a lot of people outside when we pulled up. It wasn’t in my neighborhood so I didn’t know anyone there but it was cool. We had a few drinks, Alize was my drink of choice at that time, and started dancing (aka juking lol) because that’s what you do at house parties. I noticed this girl and felt like she kept staring at us the whole time we were dancing. Like intensely staring, so I pointed her out to him. Now things are weird. He goes over to talk to her and I can feel her body language and tension from across the room. They obviously had a thing. Young but wise, I let him handle the situation because that was not my issue so I kept dancing and enjoying myself. 

A few moments later he returns to dance with me and all is good. Or so I thought. I didn’t see the girl anymore so I assumed that she left which means I can now unclinch the box cutter in my purse. Like I said before, this wasn’t my hood and I wasn’t taking any chances. The party is getting dead so we decided to head out. We get in the car and head to my mom’s house so he can drop me off. After about 5 minutes of driving, I notice that every turn we make this car behind us is making the same turn. We go left they go left, we go right now they go right. I said to him I think someone is following us and he didn’t believe me. He continues driving and then notices that the car I previously pointed out just ran the light behind us. I noticed he accelerated more and more on the gas as we passed through the next light. Now I’m like WTF?!?! 

We lost the car and he said it looked like it was the girl from the party and how she is crazy. We made it through 2 lights with no sign of the car so I thought she probably got pulled over trying to catch up with us. Ha! Or so I thought. We were sitting at the next light and who then pulls up right behind us, you guessed it, crazy party girl. I swear she was like a NASCAR driver it was unbelievable. We are now blocks away from my house and I tell him do not to take me home. This girl is clearly on something right now and we will not be taking this Bad Boys chase to my mom’s doorstep. 

Now we are driving aimlessly dashing in and out between cars in traffic trying to get away from this girl. I knew he had a fan club in the past but this right here takes the cake. We are legit in a high speed chase right now. With nowhere left to turn, we decided to drive to the closest police station. Once she sees that she will stop right, WRONG. We drive to the police and pull into the parking lot doing like 60 mph. There were 2 police officers in the parking lot ready to draw their weapons on us the way we pulled up. We roll the windows down and yell we are being followed and not even 30 seconds later she whips into the parking lot right behind us. Like Sis, really!?

One of the officers asks us what is going on while the other goes to her vehicle and asks her to get out of the car. He is explaining what happened, that we were coming from the movies, he says how he is a basketball player about to go away to college and I’m his girlfriend, and how we felt in danger with her reckless driving. I could see in my passenger side rearview mirror that they had her step away from her vehicle and turn the car off. I was secretly hoping they would lock her up and put her on some type of drip or something, cause whew, Chile. The officer then told us to pull off and get home safe while they detained her. 

Of course, now I’m livid! Like what kind of action movie drama is this?! Who is this girl?! Why did you take me to that party?! Did you know she was going to be there?! What did you say to her when you spoke to her?! I had all the questions. Now we are both 17 years old and this has far exceeded your typical high school girl drama. I’m lowkey shook. We pull up to my mom’s house and before I get out of the car he apologizes for the night we’ve had. Then he tells me that the girl was his ex and that he broke up with her to be with me. Also, she was 23 and this isn’t the first time she has acted out like this. SIS!!!!

This is a whole ass adult woman hanging out at teenage parties and sleeping with high school boys. Like fa why?! I was embarrassed for her. Nonetheless, that night scarred me and whenever I think about Friday the 13th I think about that crazy Friday night. 

-Sincerely, Sis 


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