Death While Sorta Dating
Do I Send a Card or Just a Text?
It’s been a couple of months since I’ve seen #ASWBae and with Covid-19 in full swing and who knows when I will see him again (if you need a recap on #ASWBae Read More). His trip that was planned for March was cancelled and now due to current circumstances we may not see eachother again until November. And even that is up in the air as things are changing daily with #DaRona.
While we haven’t seen each other we have been communicating regularly since I left his city and returned home. Our lives have drastically changed over the past few months so it’s been nice to have someone to at least talk to about how things are going. Our conversations have been pretty surface level, mostly just checking in “how’s your day going” and sending memes and gifs. We sometimes talk about work and family but still keep it pretty generic. The bulk of our conversations are about how we can’t wait to see each other again, sexy pics from time to time, and talking about the things we love and hate about our hometown. We mostly text but we do Facetime here and there which is refreshing.
Today I sent a text with a link to an article for him to check out. How most of our conversations start off. I haven’t talked to him in like 2 days cause I’ve been busy entertaining the guys I met on the dating app. A few hours later he texts me back “...I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but yesterday my grandmother died sorta suddenly…”. My heart instantly sank in my chest. I knew his grandmother was in a nursing home and he had been concerned about her care. However, I wasn’t expecting to hear she had passed suddenly. I gave my response a lot of thought and sent him some very kind words. Seeing that we are ‘sorta’ dating (I think?) I just wanted to let him know he was in my prayers as I know he has a lot to process right now. He responded “Thank you very much! I appreciate you *red heart emoji*” Repeats to self, “Don’t over analyze, don’t over analyze, it’s just an emoji”.
I’ve never been causally talking to someone when they had to deal with a death in the family so this is unchartered waters for me. As a girlfriend, I have been in this situation and my instinct was to physically and emotionally be there for that person catering to their every need during that difficult time. But he is not my boyfriend and I honestly don’t even know if I can say we are dating to be honest. Do I send a card, flowers, a bottle of wine? I don’t want to be insensitive but before I start sending condolence gifts all I can think about is ARE WE EVEN DATING?!
-Sincerely, Sis