Hi, I Am Sincerely, Sis
This Is My Life
In July 2019, I decided to start sharing my dating stories. I have experienced a lot over the years and my friends are always in awe of some of the situations I've been in. I can’t make this stuff up if I tried. Since the start of my dating career around 15 years old to the present day, I have experienced a wide range of surreal, funny, and unimaginable things. Like that time in high school when I was in the car with my boyfriend at the time and we were at a red light with the windows down listening to Mya ft. Jay-Z Best of Me (Part 2) on repeat enjoying just riding through the hood. When out of nowhere someone walked up to the driver's side and punched him in the face so hard I knew for sure his braces had to be loose after that. However, we will get into my chronicles of dating hood J.A.N.’s at a later date as those days are far behind me.
Now 20 years later, I made it out of the hood and now I am what one would call sophistiratchet. Sophisticated but still a tab bit ratchet LOL. My dating preferences have also become more sophisticated over the years. Thank the Lordt for growth!
I am now at a point in my life where I am no longer looking to date just to date. I want more than just a guy with nice teeth and abs. I am a black woman in her mid 30’s looking for a partner. Someone to build a legacy with, give my unconditional love to, and possibly start a family with. The stakes are high and the dating pool is low.
I took a break from dating for a while as it's exhausting AF but I’m ready to start the marathon up again. So hello, I am Sis. The seeker of love. The sharer of stories. The sometimes breaker of hearts. The creator of a J.A.N. free life. #TheMarathonContinues
-Sincerely, Sis