

Do All Lips Really Matter? 👄

I went to brunch over the weekend with #ASWBae (Read More). I’m back in my hometown visiting and we finally reconnected after hanging for the first time several months ago. It was good to see him however there were several things I noticed after seeing him again in person that I didn’t remember from before. Now, yes we have FaceTimed several times since February however for whatever reason I never noticed that he doesn’t really have an upper lip. Due to Covid he had let his facial hair grow out and I had gotten used to the scruffy after 5 shadow look. The barbershops are back open now so he’s back to wearing his low cut and no facial hair and whew chile what a change! 

All my life my grandmother has said never to trust a white man with no upper lip. She has instilled in me that white men with no upper lip cannot be trusted. However, we never discussed if this applies to black men with no upper lip. 

I have successfully navigated my way through these corporate streets and I must say 99.9% of the time the upper lip test has been proven to be true. In my experience, almost every white man I have encountered at work or in life with no upper lip has been in some way a pretentious privileged asshole, a Trump supporter, or just blatantly a racist. Hence, they cannot be trusted. 

Never have I encountered a black man with no upper lip though. These are unchartered waters. Do I look at him the same? Can he be trusted? Does this mean he has the same pretentious characteristics as a white man? I am now confusion. Lol. 

As brunch continues with him and his friend I begin to realize that I cannot unsee it. Based on the conversation and him not having an upper lip, his white man characteristics are really beginning to show more and more. I also discovered during brunch that his last relationship was with a white girl. Now I don’t want to say if the shoe fits wear it but…

I am now fascinated by this whole exchange. We then go to another spot to meet up with some more of his friends at an outdoor pub. When we arrive I see a table of guys drinking beer, some white and some black. He then introduced me to his closest friend and of course he was one of the white guys. Now I am looking at everyone’s upper lips to better assess the company that I am in.

In conclusion, I have decided not to trust any man with no upper lip. White, Black, or other. I don’t care, I don’t care. It just ain’t right. Also, I really need to stop meeting people when I am drunk as they always seem cuter until you see them again 😩.

-Sincerely, Sis


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